Him we proclaim. Colossians 1:28.

Welcome to Caboolture Baptist Church's official website.

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."


Joy-filled prayer

Ever wondered how joy can thrive even in dire circumstances? Dive into Philippians 1:1-11, where Paul, despite imprisonment and the threat of death, writes a profound message that describes the foundations of his joy-filled prayer and how it centers on gospel identity, partnership, and divine grace.

Small avatar of sermon author David Herron

David Herron

Being joyful disciples - Introduction

How can you find joy in every circumstance? This intro sermon lays the foundation for the Being Joyful Disciples series where we dig into the profound lessons from Paul's letter to the Philippians to learn how to find joy — whether in prayer, hardships, humility, obedience, or conflicts.

Small avatar of sermon author Dylan Flood

Dylan Flood

Do you need prayer?

If you are struggling with a personal challenge, illness, financial difficulty, relationship problems, or any other hardship, we invite you to share your prayer request with us. Our praying ministry is here to pray for you and offer words of comfort and hope.

Request Prayer